City of Yonkers, NY

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Pandemic Flu Exercise

CMCG, LLC successfully completed a week-long exercise program for the City of Yonkers, New York on Saturday, May 13th, with the demonstration of a field exercise to respond to a pandemic flu scenario.

CMCG developed a unique approach to the flu exercise by doling out pieces of the scenario over a several day period via email to involved agencies. The scenario simulated an index patient who was a Yonkers resident and City employee. Elements of the scenario first began to be sent to participants Monday, May 8th and gradually increased in complexity throughout the week. On Wednesday, May 10th, a tabletop exercise was held so that agencies and organizations could share their responses to the scenario problems revealed to that point. By Saturday, the scenario depicted a global pandemic event with Yonkers deeply immersed in its public health response to the emergency.

Three area hospitals set up triage operations and processed simulators who included various special situations, such as non-English speaking victims, handicapped, and residents carrying simulated infected dead birds.

The City EOC was activated and City of Yonkers police, fire and EMS personnel responded. Several hundred responders were involved in the exercise. The control and evaluation team included representatives from each agency as well as from Westchester County and the New York State Department of Health.