Water Utility

CMCG conducted a plan review of the Emergency Response and Business Continuity Plans of the controlling sanitation company in Chile. Its main business is the production and distribution of drinking water as w ell as waste water collection, treatment, and disposal in Santiago and its surroundings. The client serves 1.8 million customers in the market. Our analysis included reviewing the plans in accordance to ISO 22301 and ISO 22399. CMCG identified for the client an emerging ISO for water utilities related to programmatic planning and response activities – ISO 11830 leading the corporation to stay current in their planning approach.

In addition, CMCG designed and delivered in Spanish a Crisis Management training session for the Chief Executive Officer and executive leadership of the company. Finally, we conducted a tabletop exercise that challenged the company to address both operational water distribution and corporate headquarters operations.Utility-Picturesfixed

Gas and Electric

CMCG has successfully completed a number of projects for clients in the gas and electric generation and distribution industry. We understand the complexity and risks of delivering gas to millions of homes. Our team assisted Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) enhance its gas emergency preparedness program. CMCG performed an emergency preparedness best practices study; developed state of the art gas emergency response training programs; built a web-based gas emergency exercise toolkit which was HSEEP compliant; conducted gas emergency plan training workshops; and designed a mobile training facility. CMCG’s training program received three national awards for creativity and inter-activity for adult learning.

More recently, CMCG technology consultants created a corporate mobile App which runs on Android and Apple platforms. The custom App enables PG&E to efficiently keep field personnel trained on emergency response protocols; access the latest versions of plans and procedures; as well as rapidly access from remote locations corporate information during actual emergency responses.