Ms. Borth has over twenty years experience in emergency management. She recently joined Contingency Management Consulting Group (CMCG) as a senior level consultant after serving for several years as the Hazardous Materials Coordinator for Adams County, PA. At Adams County Emergency Management Agency she supported the efforts of the South Central Pennsylvania Counter-terrorism Task Force and was responsible for the county’s SARA Title III hazardous materials program. She is trained to the Hazardous Materials Technician level and is NFPA 472 Pro-board Certified.
For CMCG, she has controlled and evaluated down-dam exercises involving hazardous materials scenarios, and was assigned as a controller for the Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant exercise for the past several years. She is also currently serving as CMCG’s Project Manager for its contract with the North Central Task Force for the development of a law enforcement mutual aid plan.
As a consultant for various other firms, Ms Borth has worked in the all-hazards arena and in such functional areas of emergency management as hurricanes, nuclear power plants, and weapons of mass destruction, hazardous materials, oil spill pipelines, chemical stockpile emergency preparedness and the central artery tunnel project. She has trained adults in various disciplines including fire/EMS, law enforcement, public works, emergency operations center, health care and schools. She has worked at three nuclear power plant sites to develop the emergency plans, procedures and training in order to assist her team in obtaining a determination from FEMA that the public health and safety could be adequately protected.
Ms. Borth has also assisted the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency in implementing the Department of Homeland Security’s Capability Assessment in 2007 by assisting in data collection.
Ms. Borth also assisted with the design of the Comprehensive Exercise Curriculum (CEC) and the first Consequences of Terrorism Course at the National Emergency Training Center (NETC).
Ms. Borth has a Bachelor of Arts degree from the Bloomsburg University and holds a certificate in Journalism.