The crisis management plan is one component in our clients’ overarching crisis management programs. CMCG creates executable plans based on current corporate response capabilities. Our process involves the whole organization, from corporate boardrooms to tactical operations. CMCG planners excel at managing the time demands on our clients. In order to succeed, we advocate executive level buy in and involvement in the planning processes. The direction and vision of the leadership is critical to engage the complete corporate structure.
In addition, CMCG is capable of working with clients to define Crisis Communications and Humanitarian Assistance plan components. Both of these elements are often overlooked, but are at the core of successful crisis management plans.
Crisis Communications
Crisis communications encompasses the means through which an organization coordinates the collection and dissemination of official information to stakeholders during and after an event occurs. The stakeholders with whom clients have to communication vary depending on a client’s operations. However, identifying the stakeholders is one important aspect of crisis communications. The advent of social media, the 24/7 news cycle and the international corporation have created a new paradigm in the speed and style of communications management. Organizations can suffer damaging reputational consequences if caught unprepared to manage the onslaught of information demands in the aftermath of an emergency. CMCG experts in crisis communications can help clients plan ahead for these situations.
Humanitarian Assistance
Another important aspect of crisis management planning is the ability to manage the human consequences of an event. The participation of Human Resource executives in the planning process is critical to defining the response policies and procedures of any organization. Establishing a Humanitarian Assistance capability demonstrates true commitment to protecting an organization’s most valuable asset: its people.
Working in tandem the human resource staff, CMCG supports the development of procedures to track, account and follow-up staff in the aftermath of a disaster; define policies to coordinate with family and next of kin; and ensure procedures exist to maintain emergency contact information current, among others.