Ronald Markovich is a Managing Partner of Contingency Management Consulting Group, LLC. He has over 35 years’ experience in emergency management, risk communications, vulnerability assessment, business continuity and crisis management where he has performed in the capacity of both project manager and as a crisis management consultant specializing in emergency management and security program development. He completed the Physical Protection Systems for Public Safety Practitioners Course presented by Sandia National Laboratories. Mr. Markovich is the American Nuclear Society (ANS) Emergency Preparedness subcommittee chair and is a member of the NEI Decommissioning EP Task Force.
Mr. Markovich is currently serving as Project Manager for the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency’s conversion of its current nuclear power plant protective action decision model for population evacuation and sheltering project; the Codman Square Health Center’s development of a campus-wide comprehensive Emergency Preparedness Plan and training for the Health Center’s staff; PSEG’s Salem/Hope Creek development of decommissioning emergency plans in the event of a decision to close the units; and South Texas Project’s License Amendment Request submittal for a revised emergency plan in accordance with the new NUREG-0654, Revision 2 requirements.
Mr. Markovich is also supporting with the implementation of the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS) ISFSI-only Emergency Plan (IOEP) program. He assisted in the development and license submittal of the IOEP and previously supported the SONGS exemption request and Defueled Emergency Plan and EAL license submittal efforts. He also supported the Humboldt Bay Power Plant (HBPP) Emergency Plan License Amendment Request removing radiological hazards and ISFSI – only Emergency Plan.
Mr. Markovich also served as CMCG Project Manager leading several US commercial nuclear utilities implementation of the NRC new rulemaking and post-Fukushima requirements and for the Utilities Service Alliance (USA)/Strategic Teaming and Resource Sharing (STARS) initiative to provide the USA Participants services to assess the impact of the new NRC emergency preparedness regulations within their respective emergency preparedness programs which included – among other members – DCPP New Rule implementation, SONGS EP New Rule assessment and implementation and Dominion New Rule implementation which included NEI 10-05 and 12-01 staffing studies and NUREG 0654 Supplement 3 Protective Action Recommendation process development. Mr. Markovich also supported the numerous nuclear stations emergency preparedness program revitalization efforts.
Mr. Markovich had developed the Combined Operating License (COL) Emergency and Physical Security Plans for applicants utilizing the U.S. EPR design – including the proposed Bell Bend Nuclear Power Plant; developed the COL Physical Security Plans for applicants utilizing the ESBWR and AP1000 design and was a member of the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) industry new plant emergency and physical security task forces as well as currently a member of the decommissioning task force. He also served as the lead manager for the Emergency Plan development effort for the initial license application for the Eagle Rock Enrichment Facility and LES National Enrichment Facility to meet the requirements of 10CFR70.22, Regulatory Guide 3.67 and NUREG-1520. Mr. Markovich was responsible for overseeing the development of the Emergency Plan and supporting the development of the Physical Security Plan to ensure consistency with the other Safety Analysis Report chapters and interfacing/negotiating with the State and local Emergency Management Agencies.
Mr. Markovich assisted in the development of the Harvard Medical School (HMS) and Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) Emergency Management Plans and Emergency Response Procedures and also assisted the State of Texas Department of State of Health Services (DSHS) perform a comprehensive assessment of the health and medical response to hurricanes Katrina and Rita and produce an After Action Report to review and evaluate the DSHS response and to present a plan of action identifying specific recommendations for improvement.
Prior experience included serving as Emergency Planning Manager for AREVA (formally Framatome ANP), responsible for supporting the Pilgrim, Maine Yankee, Vermont Yankee and Millstone emergency preparedness programs.
He also served as Boston Edison’s Offsite Emergency Preparedness Division Manager for the Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station and was responsible for developing a new offsite program during a period of high regulatory visibility.
MBA, Managerial Marketing, Pace University, 1988
BS, Mechanical Engineering, Carnegie-Mellon University, 1980
Emergency Preparedness Advanced Course, School of Public Health, Harvard University, 1994
Year 2000 (Y2K) Overview and Contingency Plan Training, Duke Engineering & Services, 1998
Physical Protection Systems for Public Safety Practitioners Course presented by Sandia National Laboratories, 2002
BWR Plant Certification, Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station, 1994