Robert T. Bradshaw is Managing Partner of Contingency Management Consulting Group, LLC (CMCG). He is a senior consultant with over thirty years of experience in governmental and private sector crisis management response, planning, training and exercising.
Mr. Bradshaw’s hands-on consulting experience is diverse. Recent projects have included assisting the University of Notre Dame with development of its emergency preparedness program; developing a corporate crisis plan for a Fortune 500 petroleum industry client with global operations; serving as Project Manager and advisor to the Pacific Gas and Electric Company for a project that included developing a best practices report for natural gas industry emergency response, building a natural gas exercise website and tool kit, development of a mobile application for emergency preparedness and response, and award winning training programs. He also has served on Entergy Nuclear’s Independent Expert Task Force advising the utility on radiological emergency management issues and participated on the Exercise Design Team for the most comprehensive fixed nuclear facility terrorist threat exercise conducted in the US to date. Other recent projects have included assisting an international construction materials corporation in developing a global corporate crisis management capability including support to its Egyptian, Philippine, and Costa Rican business units; developing a global crisis management plan and conducting a tabletop exercise for the corporate crisis management team of a biotechnology company involved in genetic research; a business recovery plan for a major international consumer product company; an integrated contingency plan for a Pennsylvania-based technology firm; conducting a benchmarking study of global response capability; and developing a crisis management plan for a large manufacturing complex.
In addition, Mr. Bradshaw has responded to a number of high profile crises on both the national and international levels. In particular, Mr. Bradshaw was called upon to respond to the events of September 11th to assist a US airline in establishing and operating an emergency center to respond to the Pentagon aircraft crash.
He has directed a major project for the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT), Office of Pipeline Safety to support facility oil spill response plan review process. Mr. Bradshaw also responded as a DOT representative to the San Jacinto River Pipeline incident in October 1994 and was a principle author of the San Jacinto Post-Incident Assessment. For FEMA and the US Department of Justice, Mr. Bradshaw also helped to develop and present programs on weapons of mass destruction and terrorism designed for local responders.
He has facilitated numerous crisis and emergency tabletop exercises and assisted corporate clients in such industries as petroleum, energy, pharmaceuticals, paper products, chemical, financial institutions, food and beverage, lodging and the cruise industry.
He is a former Emergency Planner for the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency, where he developed and reviewed state and municipal emergency plans, revised the state’s vulnerability analysis and served as Controller/Evaluator for six full-scale federally evaluated exercises. He was also the State’s on-site planning liaison for major hazardous materials incidents.
Mr. Bradshaw has a B.S. in Environmental Science from Wilkes College, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania and did graduate work in Urban and Regional Planning at Pennsylvania State University. As part of continuing education, he has completed incident comment training, is certified in FEMA’s Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP) and completed certification as a FEMA radiological exercise evaluator.